Saturday, December 31, 2011

About this blog

This "blog history" of the early years of Simmental in North America was essentially posted in chronological order of unfolding events, thus if you want to begin at the beginning, it is probably best to begin with the first posting of May 7, 2010. For additional information about this blog history, refer to the side panel to your left. There may be a few future additional posts in the chronological sequence as I have some draft blog entries that are awaiting additional information/research and some "photo" permissions.

For my note repecting the many others who contributed to the story of Simmental in North American and my inability to cover the entire story, please see: .
Creative Commons License
Early Years of Simmental in North America blog by SMSmith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.